
Taylor with Niko

We recently took our dog, Niko, to Claire for the 3 week training program and let me tell you, we don't regret it! We have an almost 2 year old German Shepherd mix that we rescued a few months ago that really needed some training from someone that speaks dog and Claire was definitely that person. Claire is very knowledgeable and truly cares about your pup. From the moment we met her, we knew we could trust her with Niko. Because of Niko's past, we were nervous to just give him to someone for 3 weeks but Claire sent updates along with pictures/videos and took such good care of him!
Niko used to bark and react to basically ANY person he would see walking down the road or any dog that was in the distance but because of the help we got from Claire, we are now able to go on walks without him pulling on the leash and are able to walk by people, dogs, kids, basically any distraction with little to no reaction from Niko! He is also very obedient now and knows how to wait to do something until he is told to do so. It's amazing to see how different he is and how quickly he responds to his corrections when he needs one. Claire really set a solid foundation for us to continue his training and we can't thank her enough.


Valorie with Odin

I am so so glad that I found Claire and her pack! I had an 8 month old Boston Terrier that had absolutely no chill! He loved all dogs and all people..a total stage 5 clinger. It’s been almost 3 weeks since he’s returned from his 3 week board & train and it was absolutely the best decision I’ve made! She’s very patient, knowledgeable and explains in full detail her training plan for your dog. Claire used her personal dog (Zeus) to teach Odin proper dog communication which he was greatly lacking. Since Claire, I feel so much more confident in allowing him to be off leash. Our walks are 10x’s more enjoyable for both me and him since there’s no more pulling involved. I can’t even count the number of compliments we’ve received being out in public in just the three weeks he’s been home on how well behaved he is, and that’s all thanks to LoyaltyK9!


Lauren with Tucker

I sent my 4 mo old golden retriever puppy, Tucker, to Claire’s for her 3 wk Board and Train recently. My little reindeer as we dubbed him was such a puller on walks to the point where he’d be breathing super hard / completely tiring himself out. I’d also be very anxious anytime I had to take him out! He was also starting to counter surf, and just generally jump up on people or lunge toward people - very easily excitable.

After three weeks of working on heeling and structured walking, obedience, and confidence with other dogs and situations, I can hands down say Tucker came home his best self.

He knew exactly what was expected of him. Claire did an excellent job laying the groundwork with her balanced training skills so I could pick up where she left off. He’s a joy to walk with now, and Claire helped me realize what he is capable of and how smart he is! Dogs want to have a purpose and work for things in life!

I can take him to outdoor restaurants or to grab a coffee and he politely stays in a down until I put him off command. His obedience is night and day. I can’t thank Claire enough for the time spent and for teaching ME everything I need to know to be the best mama to Tucker.

We went for our first refresh class today and Tucker was overjoyed to see Claire again — I was shocked, it’s obvious he loves her and had an amazing time at training.

I highly recommend Loyalty k9!!! Thanks, Claire!! :)


Richard with Tucker

We found Claire on the recommendation of a friend who had a notoriously tough breed who Claire turned into a real charmer. Tucker (a two year old Golden Retriever) spent two weeks with her and came back a changed dog. He was always sweet but was excitable and struggled with containing his excitement when meeting other people or dogs. Because of his size, he can sometimes intimidate others with his jovial approach to finding new friends.

Claire was kind, responsive, talented, and couldn't have treated Tucker and us with more respect. She provided regular updates and treated him like he was one of her pack. Her follow ups went beyond all expectations. We came to her from four hours away...that's how impressed with her prior work. What a great decision. She was even willing to work with us at the hotel where we were staying.

Again, I couldn't recommend her more. She's spectacular and works miracles.


Maelyn with Stone

This review is LONG overdue!! We had a very bad experience with our previous Board and Train program with a different trainer and our rescue dog came back very anxious, fearful, and dog-reactive. Given our history with past trainers, Claire completely stood out from the beginning. She was so genuine and after our first conversation with her, we instantly knew that our little guy would be in great hands.

Unlike trainers in the past, she updates you on your dogs' progression and what she works on with them. Great communication. Every dog will have different needs, and she really takes the time to learn about your dogs' behavior.

When we got our dog back, it was like we got a completely new dog. It's hard not to be emotional with his amazing transformation with Claire. We can walk by other dogs now like nothing. NO lunging, barking, etc. like he has in the past. Claire gives you the KNOWLEDGE and TOOLS to give you the best life that your dog deserves.

Please, if you guys are thinking about giving Loyalty K9 and Claire a chance, just do it. You will not regret it!


Lilian with Ruthie

I definitely under estimated the amount of work, time, and patience it would take to raise a puppy BUT am so thankful that Claire came to the rescue!!

I had originally signed up for a board and train with another company that was booked out 6+ months in advance. My pup Ruthie was 5 months old at the time and was an absolute wild child - barking at other dogs and pulling like crazy on walks. In a desperate attempt for help I reached out to Claire. She took the time to discuss our needs and was honest about her recommended service, a 2-week board and train to help build a foundation while I waited for the original B&T I previously booked.

Let's just say when Ruthie came back from her time with Claire, no additional services were needed! She walked so perfectly on a leash and was so calm in the house it was like a I had a different dog. She also completely stopped barking at other pups and was a dream in public.

Claire is knowledgeable, experienced, and professional.. I HIGHLY recommend her for all of your dog training needs!


Jessica with Luna

This is your sign to train your dog with Claire!

My husband and I adopted a German Shepard puppy and became overwhelmed because Luna would pull on her leash to the point that she would choke herself and was afraid of people and other dogs. She had really bad separation anxiety and we weren’t sure how to use her crate properly. We met with a positive reinforcement trainer beforehand which didn’t help or give us any clarity. Thankfully, soon after I found Claire. Working with her has been the best decision we’ve made for our GS Luna. Right from the start, we could tell how much Claire loves dogs and how she genuinely wants to help you and your dog thrive together. She listens to your concerns and is happy to walk you though any troubles you’re having. We really appreciated that Claire gave us her thoughtful insight and taught us how to communicate with Luna and how to use tools like the crate, the prong collar and e collar correctly. We left Luna with Claire for the 2 week board in train and the difference was as clear as night and day with her obedience training and her reactivity. She is a much more confident dog that no longer lunged at the front door when a package is delivered and her commands are much more reliable.

Claire really goes above and beyond to make sure your relationship with your dog is the best it can be. Whenever we have another session, Luna is so happy to see her and we can tell she has a great time and trusts Claire. If you’re looking for a dog trainer, look no further. Claire is so kind, knowledgeable and really is the best at what she does.


Bree & Stephen with Sequoia

Claire is the dog trainer you've been looking for!

We've worked with a few dog trainers before, but Claire really is the best at what she does. Most of the dog trainers that we've worked with before (mostly from pet stores) would just assume that our dog would be attentive because of treats (which she doesn't care too much for). Because of that, our dog wasn't excited about training and the trainers from Petco just thought she was a lost cause. With Claire it was different.

From the moment you meet her, you can tell that she's genuinely interested in learning more about your dog and it's personality in order to help it in the best possible way that she can. We learned that our dog works & learns best when there's toys involved and excited/positive energy! We came to her to help us with resource guarding issues with other dogs-- and we left with a very well rounded & well trained dog!

While training with Claire, we worked on recall, down stays, proper leash behavior, off leash heeling and placing. At first, our dog was not that great on the leash and didn't want to stay in place. After a few weeks of training with Claire, we're now able to take her off leash on hikes and she's VERY attentive to us and can listen to us from a distance. Her resource guarding is so much better, and we know the signs to look for and right techniques to handle it.

We cannot thank Claire enough for the impact that she made on our dog & our lives. If you're looking for a dog trainer who is amazing at what they do & down to earth, then look no further!


Alina with Denali

I cannot recommend Claire enough! We are first time dog parents who rescued a young Doberman mix, Denali, just a couple months ago. She's a sweet pup who always loved new humans but was terrified with other dogs. We live in a condo and therefore have to go out to public spaces with her every day, and when another dog came into view there was a lot of crying, yelling, running away...even growling. Walking on leash was always difficult and her pulling got so bad we were worried she'd hurt herself.

We went to Claire wondering if dog socialization, great leash walking, and teaching her to relax in place (so she'd stop chasing our cats at home) was too tall of an order for a two-week board and train.

CLAIRE DELIVERED! By the end of her time with Loyalty K9, Denali was so happy and comfortable around other dogs, she was part of Claire's "welcome committee" at the training facility. Now, we are able to schedule play dates with friends and enjoy our local trails with ease. All the anxiety I used to carry every time we went out is GONE! Denali is transformed in her sense of confidence and comfort when we are out exploring. On hikes we've had children run by, dogs come and bark at her, etc. all without her flinching or breaking heel.

I'm amazed that we have a 5 month old puppy who walks perfectly on leash! And Claire taught us how to add more structure at home to help with our cat situation that has made a huge difference.

PS- Denali absolutely loves Claire. Our pup is a sensitive softy, so that just goes to show the warmth and care that Claire pours into her training. While interviewing other trainers in San Diego, we found that they were taking several dozens of dogs at a time with only 1 trainer working with them, then turning around and over-utilizing corrective tools to force a result faster. Claire is a balanced trainer who uses a lot of positive reinforcement and communication so the dog actually understands what's expected of them.

A different trainer told us he would have to use an e-collar on our girl no matter what (he does with every single dog in his program), and then tried to up-charge us $100 when he saw Denali was timid around other dogs. Claire understood it was just shy puppy behavior, got the issues addressed, and never had to use an e-collar! I don't have anything against that tool, I just want a trainer who knows when it is or isn't necessary to use it.

Various friends have noticed Denali's transformation and asked for Loyalty K9's information. Do yourself and your dog the favor of booking here... you can tell by the length of my review you won't be able to stop raving about it!


Keith with Chewy

The time Chewy and I have spent with Claire has been fantastic! She can really speak dog. She works well with me to help understand what the dog is thinking and how to better communicate through verbal and non-verbal cues. How to be consistent, when to praise and not to praise, how to work on correction actions when his behavior is out of line. Chewy loves his time with her and I've seen tremendous benefit from our sessions. Chewy is going through Therapy training and I'll be using Claire even more to help navigate requirements and certification tests.


LorAnna with Nash

I have a deaf french bulldog who is 1.5 years old and I’ve been working with several different trainers since I got him at 11 weeks old. Claire has been the one trainer who has helped us both the most. He is now completely trained with the E-collar and can be trusted off leash. This was crucial for me because i always needed a way to communicate with him since he’s deaf. He pays attention to ME now. Our relationship with each other has changed so much which in turn has helped his resource guarding and food aggression! I’m so thankful for Claire and would recommend her to anyone looking to train their pup! ♥️♥️


Lisa & Mark with Kona

Claire is a fantastic dog trainer. We called her for our 7-month-old Siberian Husky named Kona. Not only did she train him with the necessary commands, but she also educated us on how to be consistent with training. I couldn’t be happier with the outcome.


Jess & Pinar with Balim

I absolutely LOVE working with Claire!! I have a puppy and did not know much about how to train him. Ever since the first consultation, I knew I wanted to work with Claire. I love her approach to training. I love that she explains the “why” behind her techniques which has made a huge difference in the training process! I have a stubborn puppy who responds so well to Claire! She has helped my dog immensely. I also appreciated her availability ... she was very flexible with my changing schedule and could text her if I had questions. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without her! I highly recommend Loyalty K9 Training!


Kara & Karmen with Petunia

Claire and her team (Zeus and Clyde- her dogs) are the best!!! She’s patient, kind and so secure with her knowledge. We have a dog aggressive pug and we have done in home training as well as boot camp with Claire- we can officially say- Petunia is a changed pug! Claire takes the time to teach the owners the right way and how to respond to the dogs! The owner is the driver of the training, so her focus is perfect!! I highly encourage her if you’re having the slightest issue, big issue or a new puppy- she’s awesome! Thank you Claire!